Ternary compound
Ternary compound is a compound composed of more than two elements. ternary compounds include acidic compounds, basic compounds and salts.
Tata Acid Compound Name
For all acid compounds naming begins by writing or calling the word acid. Acid compound consisting of the hydrogen atom is regarded as H + ions (cations) and an anion called residual acid. But keep in mind that acidic compounds are covalent compounds. For example H2SO4, sulfuric acid is a covalent compound, but in the water to decompose into H + and SO4 ~. SO4 ~ is called the residual acid whereas H + is acidic. Note that H + is the strongest acid in the world if acting as an acid and has the power of the world's most powerful polarization if applicable as cations. Until now there is no ionic compounds containing H + ions.
Acid compounds are divided into:
1) Compound Inorganic acid: amino acid and oxy nonoksi
2) organic acid compounds: oxyacid
Asan nomenclature nonoksi
Nonoksi acid is an acid that does not contain oxygen anoganik in kimiamya or acid formula that does not have a no oxide acid in its formula.
Tata name oxyacid
Oxyacid means menandung inorganic acids or amino acids anoorganik oxygen-containing oxides acids in its formula. In addition, there is also a hydrogen oxygen normally and non-metals. Acid compound nomenclature is as follows:
1) Write or say the word acid.
2) oxy acids consisting of a non-metallic element which forms only one compound, naming or writing given the suffix-at.
For example: H2CO3: carbonic acid (for friends who know other than carbonic acid Commented hope)
3) oxy acid consisting of non-metallic elements have oxidation number (oxidation state) is more than one can form more than one type of compound.
a) non-metallic element with the lowest oxidation number of oxygen or contain little, naming or writing are given the suffix-it
b) non-metallic element with the highest oxidation number of oxygen or have more naming or writing are given the suffix-at
Examples of compounds are as follows:
Asam nitrit
Asam bromat
Asam bromit
4) The acid form of halogen oxides acid called oxy-halogen acid. How penmaan oxyacid halogen based on the differences in the oxidation state or the amount of oxygen present. The sequence naming oxyacid halogen is as follows:
hypo - it, - it, - at, a - at
asam klorat
asam perklora
Tata Basa Compound Name
Basic compounds generally consist of cations and the anions OH ~
1) base formed from a single metal cations have oxidation number (oxidation state). For example, alkali, alkaline earth metals, and aluminum. Naming is to call or write first name plus the word metal hydroxide. In summary naming is as follows:
name + metal hydroxide
NaOH = sodium hydroxide
LiOH = lithium hidrooksida
Sr (OH) 2 = sodium hydroxide
Ba (OH) 2 = barium hydroxide
Ca (OH) 2 = calcium hydroxide
2) base formed from metallic elements with more than one oxidation state. Its name is to call or write the name of the metal followed by oxidation of the related elements are written using Roman numerals in parentheses and then added the word hydroxide. In summary can be written as:
Name + metal + oxidation state of the metal hydroxide
Fe (OH) 2 = iron (II) hidrooksida
Fe (OH) 2 = iron (III) hidrooksida
CuOH = copper (I) hidrooksida
Cu (OH) 2 = copper (II) hidrooksida
Sn (OH) 3 = tin (III) hidrooksida
Sn (OH) 4 = tin (IV) hidrooksida
Tata Salt brand
Salt is a compound formed from the base cations and anions residual acid.
1) Salts formed from the cations and anions, cations which has only one oxidation state are naming calling or writing the name of the cation first followed by the rest of the acid anion name.
Sodium nitrate = NaNO3
Ca (NO3) 2 = calcium nitrate
2) Salts formed from cations cations and anions which have more than one oxidation state, its name is called or write the name of the cation and its oxidation numbers are written using Roman numerals in parentheses followed by the name of the rest of the acid anion.
Sn (SO4) 2 = copper (IV) sulfate
Cus = copper (II) sulfate
NOTE: The nomenclature of compounds that have more than one oxidation number oxidation writing should not be connected with the related metals is between the cation and anion. It is due to the oxidation state of the element belongs, not the common property or the property of another element.
For example:
Cus = copper (II) sulfate (right)
Cus = copper (II) sulfate (wrong)
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